Staging Tips to Selling your Home

If you’re looking to sell your home, you’ll need to make a great first and lasting impression on potential buyers. Staging your home in the proper way is key in selling your home quickly, efficiently, and at the best price.

Curb Appeal

Although we often hear the phrase “it’s the inside that counts,” and “never judge a book by its cover,” your home should still give off just as much as an impact on the outside as it does on the inside. Oftentimes sellers may be so caught up in ensuring the inside is picture perfect, they forget that onlookers may be driving by your home and wondering whether it is worth looking into or not. To make sure that your home gets the exposure it deserves, you may want to consider a few of these tips:

  • A freshly mowed lawn
  • Power washing dirty sidewalks
  • Clear and clean front windows
  • Easy-to-read house numbers

Similar to the previous tips, you’ll want to make sure you’re welcoming visitors with an inviting porch. Little touches such as a “welcome home” doormat or fresh flowers will make a visitor feel all the more at home. Additionally, remember to keep on porch lights for evening visits!

Clean and De-clutter

This goes without saying, but make sure your home is sparkling! Nothing will turn off a guest more than fingerprints on windows or crumbs on tables. Wipe down all surfaces and stage your dining room table with an elegant centerpiece and shining silverware. Get rid of all clutter, even if you think you are an “organized mess” type of person. You’ll want your guests to see as much of the space as they can to envision their own personal reality within it, as opposed to your collection of old nick-nacks masking counter space.

Show Creativity in Awkward Spaces

Don’t be afraid to show all areas of the houses, even if they may seem too small or pointless to show. If you have a nook or alcove in your home, get creative and add a desk or workstation, a dog bed and toy area, or even a customized bookshelf. This awkward space could spark an interest in an interested buyer and become a selling point.

Create a Gender-Neutral Bed and Bathroom

Appeal to everyone with a clean and neutral space that allows for individuals to envision their own personal style into. Add some personality with a throw blanket at the end of your bed or a unique pillow to draw attention to. Open closets to demonstrate how the space is being used and make sure you’ve organized it in a visually pleasing manor. Neutral doesn’t have to mean boring - rich midtone neutrals like mocha and "greige" create a sophisticated backdrop that makes everything look more pulled together. The same goes for the bathroom – ensure it is clean by presenting fresh neutral towels, a new bar of soap, and empty all garbage’s!

Eliminate Pet Odours

You may not realize it, but your pets give off an odour that you may have become “noseblind” to. All rugs should be steam cleaned and piles of hair that accumulate in corners should be vacuumed up. An automatic wall air freshener will keep everything smelling fresh, and make sure your guests aren’t tripping over dog bones and toys!

These are just a few simple tip that will help you as a new home seller, and ensure you are the up most successful in your experience!

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